Sponsor A Dog
Lend a helping pawBECOME A SPONSOR
Sponsorships provide New Leash on Life dogs with supplies, support, and care for 11 weeks while they are in the program. When you become a sponsor, you supply food, treats, and training. Plus you’ll receive Pupdate emails and you will get to see the canine graduate! Become a sponsor through the New Leash Sponsorship Program and help transform dogs from abused, abandoned, and neglected to well behaved, loving family pets.
If you have any questions or would like additional information please email jane@newleashonlife-usa.org.
Save a Life
Sponsorship levels
Sponsorships Can Provide
- Foster care
- Spay/Neuter
- Microchipping
- Veterinary Care
- Training for 11 weeks
- Training supplies and toys
- Leashes, collars, and harnesses
- Adoption support including transportation
- Food (including prescription formulas), treats
- Living supplies including crates and kennel blankets
- Vaccinations, medicine, heartworm, ear and tick treatments
- Grooming supplies including toothpaste, shampoo, and combs
$1500 Sponsors a Dog: Sponsor Receives
- Frequent updates on your dog’s progress
- Special invitation to graduation to meet the trainer and adopters
- Photos of your sponsored dog by New Leash photographers
- Acknowledgement on social media of your sponsorship support
$8000 Sponsors a Class: Sponsor Receives
- Opportunity to name the class
- Socialization day to meet all the dogs
- Visibility on the New Leash on Life USA social media
- Visit by one of the dogs to your office, school or location of choice
- Invitation to and acknowledgement at a graduation

Adopt A Pet

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